At what age should a child first visit the orthodontist?

The American and Canadian Associations of Orthodontists recommend that most children should have an orthodontic screening by AGE 7. This allows Dr. Dionne to determine if orthodontic treatment will be required and the best time for the patient to be treated. Many of the dentists in our community have been trained to identify orthodontic problems early, and may refer you to our office earlier than AGE 7.

Will braces hurt?

Most patients will experience some discomfort for the first week after braces are put on and right after adjustments. Over-the-counter pain medications, such as Advil or Motrin, will help during this time.

What can I eat?

Braces/appliances are not indestructible. The staff will review with you the foods to avoid at your bonding appointment, but the rules are really very common sense. You will need to stay away from hard, sticky or chewy things like whole apples, jolly Ranchers, Skittles or gum, for example. Eating those things will result in broken appliances, a longer treatment time and extra costs.

How do I brush?

It is very important to keep your teeth as clean as possible while you have braces/appliances in your mouth. We will show you how to take care of your braces/appliances and provide the necessary oral hygiene aids to maintain them. Please remember that orthodontic appliances do not cause decay or decalcification of your teeth…POOR ORAL HYGIENE does!

Should I keep seeing my general dentist?

We don’t clean teeth or check for cavities while you are in our office. Therefore, we recommend that you continue with your regularly scheduled visits to your dentist.

Will I be able to play sports?

Yes. We do recommend that you protect your smile during any sporting activity, so please ask us for a mouth guard and we will provide one that fits over your appliances (OMHA approved) at no extra cost.

What about musical instruments?

Orthodontic appliances will not generally interfere with the playing of wind instruments, but there may be an initial period of adjustment.

If I lose our break an appliance?

Please call us immediately if any appliance is lost or broken. It is important that we know ahead of time, even if your appointment is that day, or we may not have enough time to make the repair.

How long will I have to wear retainers?

Once your braces have been removed, you will typically be issued a clear upper retainer that will be worn full time for about 3 months. After this, the upper retainer is typically worn only while sleeping. A permanent lower retainer consisting of a custom-made wire will be bonded behind the lower front teeth. It is recommended that this be left in place indefinitely. We will supervise your retention period with clinical visits at 3 and 15 months after brace removal, and will make decisions about the disposition of wisdom teeth, for example. After this time, you will graduate from our active care program, however, we will never tell you to stop wearing your retainer. We will be happy to see you after this time, but a nominal fee will apply.